YES! We are so excited to have Halloween fast approaching us! Not only does it mean pumpkins, lots of sweets and dressing up, it also means that some of our favourite fellow pin makers create some kick-ass pins. We are reeling off our top 10 favourite Halloween pins of the moment!
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1. Us. Obviously. Wednesday Addams is our spirit animal.
BUY HERE: Punky Pins - £6.00
2. We're not so scared of this Frankenstein pin because he's so cute!
BUY HERE: Elorasaurus - £7.93
3. There's nothing better than a pumpkin covered in slime, right?
BUY HERE: Magic Circle - £8.59
4. Freddie and Jason never looked so purrrrfect!
BUY HERE: Blended Pins - $15.00
5. Yeah we're totally fine. Mhmm. 100% fine.
BUY HERE: Girly Pop - £10.13
6. We would love to whip up some magic potions to use on certain people!
BUY HERE: Wink Pins - £10.13
7. This pretty lady glows in the dark - we wish we did!
BUY HERE: Cult Fiction Press - $12.00
8. A total mix of our favourite TV show and film? AMAZING!
BUY HERE: Move In Silence - $10.00
9. Oh honey, you can look but don't touch!
BUY HERE: Cosmic Mermaid Pins - €10.00
10. Last, but not least, this little dude because you gotta creep it real!
BUY HERE: Miss Kitty's Curious - £10.00